
The topic of the human being, the person, and all that makes up a person is an issue that is very close to my heart. I've heard different spiritualists and religious leaders give their perceived definitions of the term spirituality, but these renditions only provide a modern connotative understanding that further separates what the term originally meant from all that is involved with it.
What does spirituality or for that matter, spirit, mean? Well, it goes back to Ancient Greek. The Greek word psyche was translated to the word spiritus in Latin, and spiritus is the derivative for the English word spirit. So, what is the human spirit?
The Greek word psyche means consciousness. So, spirit and all things spiritual are regarding the mind, which my the way is not the brain, but is connected to the brain which is a part of the body. So, when we speak of spirituality, we are specifically relating to how the mind interacts with the living energy (soul) and body.
Is there a difference between Spirituality and Religion?

NO! Despite what many modern spiritualists claim, there is no difference between spirituality and religion. This isn't a close-minded statement, but rather an open, revealing one.
Most modern people's understanding of religion is that it is a noun that specifically references a Christian church which prevents some form of individualism. This understanding is a new connotative development and not what religion is as all. The term religion is a derivative of the Latin infinitive word relegare, which means "to reconnect". So, religion is the action of reconnecting the person and the person to something more.
What is our purpose? Why do we exist?
Aristotle wrote that happiness is the end of all we do, so this is why we exist. However, this does not mean that living the life of a wild libertine is the meaning of life. Aristotle used the Greek word eudaemonia, which means something quite different from simply seeking pleasures. For Aristotle, eudaemonia is not something that can be gained or list in a short amount of time. Rather, it is closer to the value of one's life in accordance to one's potential as a human being.
In short, Aristotle holds that all that we do is done for the purpose of achieving happiness. When we taketh writings of Aristotle and many Christian mystics we can easily understand why we humans exist -- ULTIMATE HAPPINESS. Wait! It is not believing that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and all the other stuff of faith? Well, that is a means to a greater end: it is something you choose to begin reaching for the highest level of happiness.
Four Levels of Happiness
There are four levels to happiness. Happiness level 1 is called Laetus. It is happiness from material objects. People focusing exclusively on level 1 risk to hit a crisis where life seems shallow and without meaning. In other words there is a limit to the pleasure you get from a new car, a holiday, a nice meal etc. if this is the ONLY source of happiness.
Next there is Happiness level 2, which is called Felix. This is happiness from ego gratification. Happiness from comparison: being better, more admired than others etc. Happiness from continuous comparison with other people is unstable because no one (or very few people) can win in all domains of life all the time. In case of failure, focusing too much on this level can lead to frustrations and a sense of worthlessness.Further, excessive focus on comparison and self-promotion also risks alienation from people around you, which can lead to self-absorption, jealousy, cynicism, and the oppression of others.
Moving up from level 2 there is Happiness level 3, which is called Beatitudo. At this level, happiness comes from doing good for others and making the world a better place. At this level we move away from ourselves and focus on the well-being of others. Our own happiness depends on seeing happiness in others. Level 3 happiness is more lasting and, for most people, provides a deeper feeling of meaning than level 1 and 2. The limits of level 3 happiness can arise from human imperfections. Nobody is perfect and human relationships involve disappointment, jealousy, and the risk to be hurt.
Finally, there is Happiness level 4, which is called Sublimitas. This is the ultimate happiness. Psychologists have labelled this the ultimate happiness. This level of happiness lasts the longest and transforms a person into a new person. This level is achieved from a connection to the larger universe or that beyond the five senses. This can be achieved by recognizing the part of a greater whole that a person is a part. In the Christian faith it occurs when one reaches sanctification or deification or theses, which essentially means reconnecting with or partaking of the nature of God.